Kinds of Crimes the Involve Digital Forensics

From its early beginnings to its rapid advancement and integration into daily life, the digital world has attracted criminals of all types. When one usually thinks of crime, one might think of the many executions, street fights or gore videos posted on shock sites such as Hoodsite or USACRIME. But truth is computer crimes are nothing new. And the ways in which they can take place expand just as rapidly as digital capabilities.

Thanks to advancements in digital forensics, investigators can now gather evidence from hard drives, mobile phone records, social media, and more. This allows legal professionals like this Boulder cyber crime defense attorney to accurately address these crimes in court. Here are the kinds of crimes that involve digital forensics.


Viruses, worms, ransomware and more all fall into this category. Their purpose is to steal information from their target, often in the form of bank account and other financial information. Malware can be spread easily through downloads and links. So, you should always be careful about what you click on when you’re online.

Like any virus in the real world, though, malware leaves a trail behind. Digital forensics can uncover how many systems the virus spread to, when it was passed along, and who initially sent it. While the last part is the most difficult to uncover, investigative efforts help stop cyber criminals in their tracks.


Online communities can be incredibly toxic places, but sometimes hurtful comments turn into something more malicious. Cyber stalking and harassment are crimes, easily traced through sent messages and emails.

Even if a user deletes their comments or messages, there’s a digital footprint left behind on website servers. Social media is a haven for harassers and stalkers, who often intimidate their victims as well. When the line between being a jerk and committing a crime is crossed, you can bet that digital forensics will prove illegal behavior.

Sexual Harassment

From the workplace to social media sites and emails, these types of criminals pursue their victims like rabid dogs. Luckily, they leave an incriminating trail of messages and images behind. Regardless of the electronic medium used, cell phones and computers can reveal all of their disgusting communications with their victim.

Inappropriate Content

No, not something that’s simply lewd or perverted. In this type of crime, digital forensics uncovers crimes of a sexual nature such as child or revenge porn. It can be difficult to track these criminals since they work diligently to cover their crimes, but there’s always a trail left behind that digital investigators can uncover.

Financial Fraud

Financial fraud comes in all shapes and sizes, but those looking to make a quick buck by stealing it from others have a field day online. From hacking major banks to stealing personal information, they rake in millions each year.

Digital forensics works to uncover their methods and trace their theft from the target all the way back to the source. This is one of the most common types of cybercrime, but it’s also one that’s easily traceable unless the criminal is an expert in computer technology. Regardless, even the best in the illegal business find themselves facing the long arm of the law eventually.