Guidelines for the right to be forgot On May 13, the Court of Justice of the European Union (the Court) deliver a groundbreaking ruling introducing the right to be forgotten service (or: “the right to be de-Google”). Earlier this year, Holla Advocate wrote an article about this ruling, thus creating the option of having information that …
Privacy and Cookie Policy This privacy and cookie policy relates to managed by PATIENT+, located 2518 AD, The Hague, registered in the register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 64659712. Also read: derecho al olvidoPersonal data of visitors and users of this web application with the greatest care. PATIENT+ will therefore only use this …
Right To Be Forgotten (Right to be forgot) loc. sale m. Individual to be forgot and, in particular, to no longer be mention in relation to fact that have concern him in the past and that had been the subject of news. Away from Google. The European Court / establishes the “diritto all oblio gdpr” // [summary] Search …