Social media is a great way to market a business, but unless you are up to date on current trends or have extensive experience with how today’s users interact, then it could be wasteful in terms of time and money invested.
What is the solution? Hiring a dedicated social media manager or outsourcing all of your social media marketing to an agency or freelancer. There are plenty of qualified individuals and companies that specialize in social media marketing.
Not all business owners can master it correctly, and that is fine. A business owner isn’t always expected to know the ins and outs of social media. If you aren’t social media savvy then you might want to consider putting a qualified person or company in charge of it. Here are four reasons why this is the case.
1. Allows You to Focus on Business Growth
If you don’t have to worry about the social media content and management it allows you to put all of your focus on growing your business. If you are wasting time trying to learn social media it’s just pulling you away from more productive tasks.
Understanding that there are better things to use you time for is part of the delegation process.
2. Can Help Generate Leads 24/7
When the social media marketing is aligned correctly, with the best content and targeting the right users, then it can turn into a never ending lead source.
A company looking for a constant flow of leads consisting of home owners looking to hire a contractor can leverage social media content to get their name as well as examples of their work out there, targeting the local community.
When your business is able to make money 24/7 it can help you scale to amazing new heights.
3. Introduces a New Creative Angle
Not every business is easy to market. A restaurant, for example can use images on social media and they can experience results with very little work, as long as the images are amazing. But if you wanted to build buzz for Cox Plate, it will take a little more effort.
Hiring an agency or a freelancer with experience creating unique campaigns can often think of ways to introduce your business to an audience on social media in a way that gets them to take notice.
While you are hiring them to handle the work, a lot of their expertise involves the creative concept.
4. Benefit from Constant Engagement Testing and Interaction
The first approach or first strategy isn’t going to automatically become a hit. It might produce weak results initially, but after a lot of testing it can be developed into a winning source of new business.
The younger generation requires a much different marketing approach. If you are a company that is looking to market CBD oil to Millennials, then you have to be creative.
If you take on this task yourself it could require all of your time and energy. No business owner has the time to dedicate to proper testing, from creative style to calls-to-action and offers — which is why a dedicated person or agency handling this will help you get the results you are after.