Updating your home isn’t inexpensive, whether you’re building a new addition or giving each room a fresh coat of paint. Working together as a family can ensure that you save money together, which will get you to your goal faster. Make Room for Your Remodel What are you going to do with the clutter in …
Saving money can sound synonymous with giving things up. When we save our money, it means we’re refraining, and saying no to a movie ticket, a vacation, a night out with friends, or a much-needed day at the spa can sound depressing. We’d all like a little more money, but few of us are willing …
Cars are expensive to own and maintain, but with the right care, they can last a decade – sometimes more. But many drivers have a bad habit of ignoring small repairs, which can lead to big and expensive repairs down the road. Yes, there are some issues that don’t need to be fixed right away, …
A new drug and alcohol treatment center has recently acquired their license to open a facility in Mesa, Arizona’s Maricopa County. Footprints to Recovery will be open 24 hours a day and is associated with medical professionals, law enforcement and members of the community to deliver better substance abuse treatment for the people of Arizona. Originally established in Chicago in …
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) pays benefits to eligible individuals with limited income and resources who fall under one of the following categories: disabled, blind, or over the age of 65. Applying for SSI includes an application for Social Security benefits; however, eligibility for SSI does not depend on the individual or their family’s work history. …
If you’re like most Americans, you work too hard. Other cultures, past and present, would find the amount of work and stress you undergo perplexing. We think of our work ethic as part of the American dream. However, if your dream is frying your nerves, maybe it’s time to try something new. We’re not suggesting …
The gift of giving continues even after death. It’s not uncommon for a parent to leave a sibling, friend or child something special to remember them by. The process through which this works is called a bequest. There are four distinct types, and anyone considering devising a will should be familiar with them all. What …
In 2017, a child was born every eight seconds. Every mother knows the worry of prenatal upkeep, of ensuring both mother and infant are well-cared for during the nine months the child is in the womb. What they may not expect is to become hypoglycemic. Unfortunately, it’s a common problem in pregnancies, especially if the …
Japanese-based company Takata and it’s United States counterpart TK Holdings Inc. both filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in their respective countries last year. Following what some might call the largest automotive recall in history, the company just couldn’t keep up with the financial and public relation demands, which consisted of multiple lawsuits, multi-million dollar fines, …
The Democratic Republic of the Congo has announced plans to put into effect a radical new mining code this week that will, in theory, divert more profit from mining company shareholders to the citizens of the Congo themselves. This new code could potentially blast prices for such electronic devices as electric car batteries and …